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Rick Lowell

CALL (360) 358-7718 or EMAIL

Sometimes mediation is court-ordered; sometimes it just makes sense. Regardless, it can be a daunting, expensive process that – unfortunately – sometimes fails. And when that happens; everyone loses. But Rick has the EXPERIENCE, TEMPERAMENT, CREATIVITY and PERSUASIVENESS to make ADR a worthwhile, efficient and successful process. 

Although there are no guarantees, Lowell Dispute Resolution (LDR) works diligently to shift the odds in your favor. After all, even the most seasoned litigator will generally concede that a fair settlement is usually a much better client experience; one designed to avoid the expense, the stress, and the time-sucking uncertainty of litigation. Rick provides creative ADR services through mediations, arbitrations, and settlement conferences that are designed to cost-effectively steer parties to achieve that fair ‘middle ground.’